What Not to Ask
Are you OK?
How are you doing?
What's wrong?
What’s making you so sad?
Did you take your medicine?
Is it me?
Did I do something?
Can I do something?
Can you write it down?
Did you eat?
Do you need to eat?
Do you just need a good cry?
Do you need to meditate?
Are you going crazy on me?
What can I do?
Do you want me to leave you alone?
Are you OK?
Depression doesn't give answers.
(Journal Entry, October 2018)
Gray and blue
Wrapped like Cellophane
Around branches
And Rising up
From the almost asphalt
Enclosing morning
In this eerie hush
Clothing the road
In a cape of
Silken drops
~ Cheryl Murfin, on the Camino de Santiago