There are only two words universal to This Road. They're Spanish, of course, but used by all pilgrims, no matter what country they come from or how many languages they speak.
"Buen Camino!" echoes in every town from the Pyrenees mountains to the sea at Finisterre.
In every cafe, hotel, church it is offer to or by any person with a backpack or a scallop shell hanging off a sleeve.
It's tempting to translate the phrase as "happy travels."
But the meaning is far deeper than that.
Buen Camino is a blessing; an acknowledgement of those seeking to walk the "good path."
In truth, I believe most of us, even when our efforts fail and we hurt ourselves and others, seek to walk the good path. We get diverted. We make wrong turns. We get muddy jumping in puddles. But if we keep walking in the direction of love, we are on the right road.
And so, Bien Camino!
Good Path
May the path
You are walking
Be open and wide
May it be clear
In the direction
It takes you
May you be clear
In the direction
You take it
May you rise
To the challenges
It offers you
May you be strong
In the hardships
You face
May you find rest
In its ease
May you be present
In every step
~ Cheryl Murfin, on the Camino de Santiago
Mmmmmmmmm. Yum.